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    時(shí)間:2019-06-03 來(lái)源:http://m.ruiyingjituan.com/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械

    很多在考慮購買(mǎi)雙組份打膠機的朋友,一直以來(lái)會(huì )有一個(gè)疑問(wèn),“中空玻璃自動(dòng)打膠機的打膠效果怎么樣?好不好用?能不能打滿(mǎn)?需不需要在人工掃尾?”諸如此類(lèi)的問(wèn)題。今天筆者就針對這些問(wèn)題給大家做一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的分析。
    Many friends who are considering purchasing a two-component gluing machine always have a question, "How about the gluing effect of the hollow glass automatic gluing machine?" How good is it? Can you fill it up? Do you need to sweep the tail manually? Questions like that. Today, I will give you a simple analysis of these problems.
    初入這個(gè)行業(yè)后發(fā)現制作中空玻璃的流程相當的繁瑣并且對各個(gè)環(huán)節的精度要求也非常的高,某一環(huán)節精度出現問(wèn)題都會(huì )影響下一個(gè)環(huán)境的工作,除此之外各個(gè)環(huán)節也需要大量的工人來(lái)操作,并且這些工作都是高度重復的繁瑣工作,其中特別是制作中空玻璃的后一步對中空玻璃進(jìn)行二次密封的打膠工作,不單單非常的耗費人力并且耗時(shí)還特別的長(cháng)。
    After entering this industry, we found that the process of making hollow glass is quite tedious and the precision requirement of each link is very high. Problems in the accuracy of one link will affect the work of the next environment. In addition, a large number of workers are needed to operate each link, and these tasks are highly repetitive and tedious, especially at the end of making hollow glass. One-step gluing for secondary sealing of hollow glass is not only labor-intensive but also time-consuming.
    For this reason, the author finds out that the hollow glass gluing machine can replace the manual to seal the hollow glass twice, and the effect of the finished product is also higher than that of the manual.
    關(guān)于中空玻璃打膠機的使用效果,要從多方面來(lái)看。這里面還要看自身玻璃的情況,比如可能玻璃是人工切割的還是用切玻機切割的,是人工合片還是中空玻璃打膠機等等這些都會(huì )對中空玻璃打膠機的工作效果產(chǎn)生影響。也許有的朋友會(huì )問(wèn)我,這些工序和中空玻璃打膠機有什么關(guān)系。但其實(shí),這是一個(gè)前提條件,我們知道任何一款設備想要提高他的工作,和工作環(huán)境、工作基礎都有一定關(guān)系。所以在中空玻璃自動(dòng)打膠機上也是一樣的。
    The use effect of hollow glass gluing machine should be seen from many aspects. It also depends on the glass itself, such as whether the glass is cut artificially or by a glass cutter, whether it is artificial laminate or a hollow glass gluing machine, and so on, which will have an impact on the working effect of the hollow glass gluing machine. Perhaps some of my friends will ask me what is the relationship between these processes and the hollow glass gluing machine. But in fact, this is a prerequisite, we know that any equipment to improve his work efficiency, working environment, work foundation has a certain relationship. So it's the same with the automatic gluing machine for hollow glass.

    As for the quality of the hollow glass produced by horizontal hollow glass gluing machine, I think it is quite good, especially after seeing the products produced by the end gun gluing machine before my friends. Friend's home uses end gun type glass glue machine for sealing operation, but it also needs to trim four corners. Horizontal hollow glass glue machine produces hollow glass without trimming four corners. If you find that there are too many colloids in four corners or four sides, you can adjust the amount of glue produced by the glue dispensing machine, such as the pressure or the speed of glue dispensing, until you reach the optimum state.
    關(guān)于這個(gè)設備的維修是我非常滿(mǎn)意的地方,非常的方便快捷,基本不用廠(chǎng)家派人過(guò)來(lái)處理,免除了等待廠(chǎng)家過(guò)來(lái)人的時(shí)間。這個(gè)設備基本就是個(gè)打鐵疙瘩容易損壞的地方就很少,易損件也就是那幾個(gè)開(kāi)關(guān)以及各種儀表和電子閥門(mén),而這些地方一旦出現問(wèn)題在設備的中控臺會(huì )給出提示,是哪個(gè)部分的哪個(gè)元器件發(fā)生了損壞,自行更換即可,更換也非常的簡(jiǎn)單!當然如果故障比較嚴重的話(huà)就只能等廠(chǎng)家派人來(lái)修了
    I am very satisfied with the maintenance of this equipment. It's very convenient and fast. It doesn't need to send someone from the manufacturer to deal with it, so it can avoid waiting for the manufacturer to come. First of all, this equipment is basically a place where iron bumps are easily damaged. The vulnerable parts are those switches and various instruments and electronic valves. Once there are problems in these places, the central console of the equipment will give a hint, which part of which components have been damaged, can be replaced by itself, and the replacement is very simple! Of course, if the malfunction is serious, we can only wait for the manufacturer to send someone to repair it.
    Above is the wonderful content provided to us by the small edition of the two-component glue machine manufacturer. You can collect our website: http://linshi.jncsjx.com! To learn more about the industry frontier information, thank you for your support!

    聯(lián)系我們Contact us

    • 咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn):0531-85717458 13705446998
    • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業(yè)園
    • 掃碼聯(lián)系我們:



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