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    時(shí)間:2020-10-02 來(lái)源:http://m.ruiyingjituan.com/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械

    1. The two component glue machine is easy to operate and humanized.
    2、實(shí)現自動(dòng)配膠、混膠及定量出膠一體。機械手自動(dòng)灌膠 灌膠路徑,點(diǎn)、線(xiàn)、圓弧任意設定。
    2, to achieve automatic dispensing, mixing and quantitative glue out. The machine automatically fills glue and fills the glue path, and points, lines and arcs are set arbitrarily.
    3、高精度計量泵供膠 噪音小 工作平穩 無(wú)脈動(dòng) 出膠均勻。
    3. High precision metering pump provides small noise and smooth operation without pulse.
    4, according to the customer's drum to make the pressure plate, no need to hand glue, directly put the bucket into the pressure plate.
    5、雙組份打膠機適用5加侖50加侖 雙組份硅膠,道康寧硅膠 高黏度AB膠。
    5, the two component glue machine applies 5 gallons to 50 gallons of two component silica gel and Dow Corning silica gel high viscosity ab.
    6, a device can save 2-4 labor, and save about 500kg glue a year.

    Product features of double component glue machine:
    1.全自動(dòng)硅膠打膠機針對高黏度膠水配備5加侖高壓打膠泵.供膠系統采用齒輪吸漿泵和抽壓窩輪.生產(chǎn)中可持續穩定供膠無(wú)間斷. 直接由5加侖原料桶直接供料無(wú)須清洗.換料方便。
    The 1. full automatic silica gel machine is equipped with 5 gallons high pressure glue pump for high viscosity glue. The feeding system adopts the gear suction pump and the suction wheel. The production is stable and stable. The direct feeding of 5 gallons is direct supply without cleaning.
    2. the two component glue machine applies all kinds of products to the point / coating / sealing operation of high viscosity silica gel. The rubber nozzle with different caliber can be suitable for different specifications of products.
    3. automatic conversion into machine recognizable coordinate program. The CAD file or G code file can be directly imported into the software program to be converted to dot glue path.
    4., you can name the stored program files indefinitely.
    5. the two component glue dispenser action is synchronized with the gluing action to ensure accurate positioning and consistent glue quantity.
    您如果對我們的產(chǎn)品感興趣或者有任何的疑問(wèn),您可以直接給我們留言或直接與我們聯(lián)絡(luò ),我們將在收到您的信息后,會(huì )時(shí)間及時(shí)與您聯(lián)絡(luò )。
    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can leave a message directly to us or contact us directly. We will contact you in time for the first time after receiving your information.

    聯(lián)系我們Contact us

    • 咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn):0531-85717458 13705446998
    • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業(yè)園
    • 掃碼聯(lián)系我們:



    // RM新时代有限公司

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