時(shí)間:2020-12-08 來(lái)源:http://m.ruiyingjituan.com/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械
When judging whether a double component glue machine is a good product, it should be judged from the following aspects, first of all, the size of the manufacturer, especially the number of R & D personnel.
A double component glue machine is composed of thousands of parts, of which the more important parts are cylinder, various servo motors, electromagnetic valves, PLC control system, glue mouth and glue stick.
其中膠嘴的材質(zhì)制定要是那種特質(zhì)的金屬材質(zhì),因為膠嘴直接跟玻璃的邊緣進(jìn)行長(cháng)期接觸,盡管接觸的力道不會(huì )非常的大,但是長(cháng)期接觸也會(huì )對膠嘴產(chǎn)生傷害,如果質(zhì)量較差筆者認為1年左右膠嘴就會(huì )徹底報廢。
The material of the glue mouth is made of the quality of the metal material, because the glue mouth is directly contact with the glass edge for a long time, although the contact force will not be very large, but the long-term contact will also harm the glue mouth. If the quality is poor, the author thinks that the glue mouth will be completely scrapped in 1 years or so.
關(guān)于日常保養維護也相當的簡(jiǎn)單,如膠管的清洗方面設備會(huì )自動(dòng)判斷停機多久,如果停機達到設定的時(shí)間了且自動(dòng)清洗功能沒(méi)有關(guān)系的話(huà),設備會(huì )自動(dòng)對膠管進(jìn)行清理工作,避免我們因為人員失誤或其他問(wèn)題沒(méi)有及時(shí)清理導致的各種問(wèn)題出現。
The daily maintenance and maintenance is quite simple, such as the hose cleaning equipment will automatically judge how long the equipment will stop, if the shutdown time is set and the automatic cleaning function is not related, the equipment will automatically clean the hose to avoid us because the personnel misuse or other problems are not timely cleaned up. All kinds of problems arise.
我們愿以佳的服務(wù)意識,迎接八方來(lái)客,誠懇與各界朋友精誠合作,共創(chuàng )美好的前程。歡迎大家前來(lái)參觀(guān)洽談!
We are willing to welcome the eight party guests with the best sense of service, sincerely cooperate with friends from all walks of life at home and abroad, and create a bright future together. Welcome everyone to visit and discuss!
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