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    時(shí)間:2020-06-18 來(lái)源:http://m.ruiyingjituan.com/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械

    雙組份打膠機在咱們平常的使用過(guò)程中有許多需求留意的事項,假如咱們平常不留神留意這些地方很可能會(huì )形成咱們的雙組份打膠機呈現各式各樣的毛病。這樣不光影響你的出產(chǎn)功率降低你的收益還會(huì )大幅度的降低設備的壽命
    There are many things we need to pay attention to in our normal use of the two-component dispenser. If we don't pay attention to these places, it is likely that our two-component dispenser will present various problems. This will not only affect your production power, reduce your revenue, but also significantly reduce the life of the equipment
    Today's small edition on the introduction of two-component sizing machine in the ordinary production operation should pay attention to which aspects. You can strictly follow the contents of the editor to avoid unnecessary problems and problems.
    1、 Precautions
    1. The air release valve on the pressure plate shall be kept clear, dredged and cleaned regularly.
    2. Do not cut off the air source during normal operation. If any, stop the operation.
    3、若雙組份打膠機涂膠作業(yè)過(guò)程中停頓時(shí)刻超過(guò)15分鐘以上時(shí),必定要用“沖槍”。本機有報警功能,屆時(shí)沒(méi)有沖膠會(huì )有蜂鳴器報警。
    3. If the pause time is more than 15 minutes in the process of two-component gluing machine gluing operation, it is necessary to use "shot gun". This machine has an alarm function. There will be a buzzer alarm if there is no glue flushing.
    4. Check the air source regularly. First, make sure to use dry and clean compressed air, regularly discharge the accumulated water in the separate filter, and check whether the oil in the oil atomizer is sufficient.
    5、硅酮膠B 組份遇空氣會(huì )結殼,影響泵的正常作業(yè)和管路的疏通,因而,停機時(shí)B組份膠的一切通道在泄壓后均應關(guān)閉,使B組份不得接觸空氣。
    5. In case of air, component B of silicone rubber will crust, which will affect the normal operation of the pump and the dredging of the pipeline. Therefore, all channels of component B rubber shall be closed after pressure relief during shutdown, so that component B shall not contact the air.

    6. If there is air in the B rubber barrel, the air will not be discharged, and the B pump will move rapidly to and fro, and cannot supply glue to the high pressure pump normally, which will affect the whole system. Therefore, the air must be discharged. The method is: lift the pressure plate and press it in again and release the air.
    7. The pressure of the hydraulic station system cannot be adjusted too high. According to the actual situation such as the indoor environment temperature, adjust the pressure to the satisfaction that the glue nozzle is normal and the glue is evenly applied. When opening the hydraulic station, the glue gun must be opened, otherwise the pressure of component B pipeline will rise very high, forming a safety accident.
    8、A膠提膠泵接連作業(yè)1分鐘以上沒(méi)有供膠中止,說(shuō)明管路內有空氣,此刻會(huì )報警,須翻開(kāi)泵上管接頭再翻開(kāi)A膠提膠泵,直到出膠中止,中止并接好接頭,膠槍會(huì )呈現有空氣的嗶嗶爆炸聲,空氣排凈就好了。
    8. The continuous operation of a glue lift pump for more than 1 minute does not stop the supply of glue, which means there is air in the pipeline. At this moment, an alarm will be given. It is necessary to open the upper pipe joint of the pump and then the a glue lift pump until the delivery of glue is stopped. Stop and connect the joint. The glue gun will show an air beep explosion, and the air will be discharged completely.
    9、因為每次沖洗混合器不會(huì )完全潔凈,每次都有少量的混合膠堆積,越來(lái)越多,致使堵塞混合器通道,用一段時(shí)刻后,影響出膠量和混合效果,因而要定時(shí)(聚硫膠五天,硅酮膠兩天)清洗混合器。把混合器內的混膠棒拆出,如有損壞替換新的混膠棒。若混膠棒拆不出來(lái),可用火燒掉,留意不能損傷零件螺紋。
    9. Because the mixer will not be completely clean every time, a small amount of mixed rubber will accumulate every time, more and more, which will block the mixer channel. After a period of time, the rubber output and mixing effect will be affected, so it is necessary to clean the mixer regularly (polysulfide rubber for five days, silicone rubber for two days). Remove the mixing bar in the mixer, and replace it with a new one if it is damaged. If the rubber mixing rod cannot be removed, it can be burnt out by fire. Pay attention not to damage the thread of parts.
    2、 Maintenance of two-component gluing machine
    Clean the surface of the spray gun and the nozzle of the two-component gluing machine to ensure that the nozzle is unblocked;
    Clean or replace the filter screen of glue machine and spray gun;
    Check whether the spray gun has leakage. If there is leakage, please adjust, repair and replace the spray gun, nozzle, nozzle and other parts that need to be replaced.
    Check whether there is a carbonized layer on the inner wall of the rubber cylinder. If there is a carbonized layer, please clean the rubber cylinder with the special cleaning solution r of nuoxin.
    Heat the glue machine to the operating temperature and empty the hot-melt glue in the glue box. Check whether there are impurities in the rubber cylinder. If there are impurities, clean the rubber cylinder with a clean cloth.
    Check whether all junction boxes and terminals of the two-component dispenser are firm;
    Check whether all power plug wires are damaged and other insulation parts are secure;
    Clean and check the inside of the rubber machine electrical box;
    Check whether all power pins of the two-component dispenser are firmly connected.

    聯(lián)系我們Contact us

    • 咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn):0531-85717458 13705446998
    • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業(yè)園
    • 掃碼聯(lián)系我們:



    // RM新时代有限公司

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