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    時(shí)間:2019-03-20 來(lái)源:http://m.ruiyingjituan.com/ 發(fā)布人:昌盛機械

    自動(dòng)點(diǎn)膠機焊接過(guò)程中,會(huì )遇到焊接不良的問(wèn)題,這些問(wèn)題詳細表現有漏焊、虛焊、連焊、焊點(diǎn)不潤滑等現象的,濟南雙組份打膠機廠(chǎng)家提示大家,針對這些焊接不良問(wèn)題,我們認真察看,找出構成這些不良的緣由,然后再有針對性的去處置。
    In the welding process of automatic dispensing machine, we will encounter problems of poor welding. These problems are manifested in detail as missed welding, virtual welding, continuous welding, non-lubrication of solder joints and so on. Jinan two-component dispensing machine manufacturer reminds us that in view of these welding problems, we should carefully observe and find out the causes of these defects, and then deal with them pertinently.
    1、漏焊。漏焊普通是指在焊接過(guò)程中,焊盤(pán)上沒(méi)有錫的現象。自動(dòng)點(diǎn)膠機呈現這種情況的緣由大致有兩點(diǎn),一是烙鐵頭沒(méi)有接觸到焊點(diǎn),這個(gè)時(shí)分我們就要調整該點(diǎn)的坐標,使烙鐵頭接觸到焊點(diǎn),這樣就不會(huì )呈現漏焊;在一個(gè)就是焊盤(pán)外表氧化比擬嚴重,錫基本粘不在上面。
    1. Leakage welding. Leakage welding generally refers to the phenomenon that there is no tin on the pad during the welding process. There are roughly two reasons for this situation in automatic dispensing machine. One is that the soldering head does not touch the solder joint. At this time, we need to adjust the coordinates of the spot so that the soldering head touches the solder joint, so that there will be no leak soldering; the other is that the surface of the soldering pad is oxidized seriously, and the tin is basically not adhered to it.
    2. Virtual welding. Virtual welding generally means that the solder joint can be seen in the process of welding, but in practice it is not salvaged or tin penetration is not good. The main reason for this situation is that the retention time of the soldering head on the pad is not good or the temperature is too low. So we only need to extend the residence time of the soldering head or raise the temperature to dispose of it.

    3. Continuous welding. Continuous welding usually refers to the phenomenon that several adjacent solder joints or pads of several solder joints are linked together. The reason for this phenomenon is either too much tin feeding or too small gap between the two points. In this case, we should first reduce the amount of tin, and then see if the orientation of the iron head is correct. If not, we should stop adjusting in time.
    4焊點(diǎn)不潤滑、拉尖。焊點(diǎn)不潤滑、拉尖是指焊過(guò)之后焊點(diǎn)成型欠好或是有毛刺并有拉尖的現象。此種緣由首要是由于錫的活動(dòng)性欠好構成的,這個(gè)有時(shí)分也和我們參數的設置欠好也是有一定緣由的,要么就是停留時(shí)間過(guò)長(cháng),構成助焊劑蒸發(fā)過(guò)快,在烙鐵頭的抬起過(guò)程中就會(huì )構成拉尖的現象。這個(gè)假設經(jīng)過(guò)參數的設置無(wú)法處置的話(huà),我們就要思索錫絲的問(wèn)題。
    4. The solder joint is not lubricated and sharp. Unlubricated solder joints and pointed solder joints refer to the phenomenon of poor solder joint formation or burr and pointed solder joints after soldering. This is mainly due to the inadequate activity of tin, which is sometimes due to the inadequate setting of our parameters. Either the residence time is too long and the flux evaporates too fast, which will lead to the phenomenon of tightening during the lifting process of the soldering head. If this assumption can not be dealt with by setting parameters, we should consider the problem of tin wire.
    Finally, in the welding process, the reason for these bad solder joints may also be that the soldering head should be replaced instead of being replaced in time. More interesting information about the two-component glue machine can be found on our website: http://m.ruiyingjituan.com. Thank you for your support.

    聯(lián)系我們Contact us

    • 咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn):0531-85717458 13705446998
    • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業(yè)園
    • 掃碼聯(lián)系我們:



    // RM新时代有限公司

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